Philip Permutt

May 9, 2024

Philip is a crystal healer and teacher. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed best selling books The Crystal Healer, The Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures and The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing. His latest book The Crystal Tarot has recently been published (2010). He has recorded Crystal Workshop and The Little Crystal Meditation Album CDs.

Since “discovering” meditation on an extended trip to the Far East in the late 1970’s, Philip has practised and researched many types of meditation from different cultures around the world leading to a unique eclectic practice of his own. He teaches meditation and established the regular open meditation groups at the shop and healing centre he founded, iSiS, in St Albans, England. He devised The Little Meditation Album Series and has recorded The Little Meditation Album, The Little Chakra Meditation Album, Little Crystal Meditation Album, The Little Reiki Meditation Album, The Little Sleep Meditation Album and Meditation Workshop and his new CD Meditation Nights – Angels of the Rainbow Waterfall (Paradise Music).

He works closely with the best selling new age musician and Paradise Music producer, Llewellyn, as Executive Producer (a very grand title!) on albums such as Music for Reiki Attunement. This role has seen him working on Magick Workshop, Aura Workshop, Colour Workshop and Protection Workshop CDs with the internationally acclaimed author and personality, Cassandra Eason and Llewellyn. He has also produced Cassandra Eason’s Chronicles of Magick; a unique 7 CD series comprising a full course on magick.

Philip is a Reiki Master and has recorded Reiki Workshop (Paradise Music). He has practised and taught many healing techniques including: Reiki, crystal healing, Taoist healing, Shamanic healing, past-life regression and soul retrieval and he is also a psychic and medium, working loosely with his spirit guides. He has run courses and workshops on many of these subjects.

Philip has lectured at the University of Hertfordshire on crystals and crystal healing for the ‘Complementary Therapy for Nurses and Medical Professionals’ course. Philip also has an honours degree in Applied Biology from London University.

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